OmniAccess Stellar Asset Tracking
Asset tracking provides smart connection to assets, so you can locate equipment and people 在实时, optimizing operations and reducing costs.
资产跟踪识别设备或人员的位置, 在实时, 使用带有GPS的标签, BLE or RFID technology to broadcast their location. 你可以追踪的不仅仅是你资产的下落. 您可以了解设备的使用模式和位置-即使它没有使用.
资产跟踪分析提供了关于项目如何使用的信息, which departments use them the most, how often they get moved around the premises, 他们每天要走多远,甚至资产最后一次维护是什么时候.
- 与同行合作 & 我们论坛的专家.
- Access a centralized hub for all technical resources & 文档.
- Stay updated on the latest network trends via our blog.
- These analytics can reduce the cost of replacing, leasing and over purchasing equipment to ensure availability.
- 库存清单可以确保设备得到适当的维护,并根据提供的数据优化使用.
- Geo-notifications can provide alerts such as, when service on a piece of equipment is due, or when an asset is being removed from a building.
A BLE asset tracking solution:
- Does not interfere with existing Wi-Fi infrastructure
- Improves device battery efficiency vs. a pure Wi-Fi location solution
- 确保基于设备、部署和运营成本的更好的投资回报率
OmniAccess Stellar Asset Tracking Solution
- OmniVista卷资产管理-资产管理,搜索,统计和分析
- OmniAccess恒星资产跟踪移动应用程序的智能手机和平板电脑
- OmniAccess Stellar BLE infrastructure
- OmniAccess Stellar BLE Gateway AP1201BG; OmniAccess Stellar BLE-enabled APs
- Autocalibration beacons 提高定位精度.
- 移动BLE标签(square or card or 硬币大小)跟踪资产的移动/使用
- 纳米二氧化硅(可更换) 腕带 tag and 徽章/ card-shape标记 can locate people 在实时
一个具有直观网络和智能手机应用程序的BLE解决方案可以让员工在平面图上定位人员和资产, with a simple auto-text search.
Easy registration of BLE tags makes life easier for IT.
Maximize value and increase safety of people and assets
OmniAccess®恒星资产跟踪解决方案可帮助各行各业的组织管理资产和人员, 在实时.
Easily locating workplace equipment, people, 存档记录减少了查找项目的时间.
Send automated alerts/geonotifications
Asset Tracking解决方案使用地理围栏或按下标签按钮向个人或组发送自动警报/地理位置通知, 在实时. 这可以用于各种事件,例如区域进入/退出, 紧急, 援助, 房间清洁, 和维护, 等. 警报历史记录可用于事件后/通知分析.
医院可以通过管理特定地区的人数,并通过提供实时密度监测来加强社会距离,从而帮助防止传染性病毒的传播. Hospitals also need a contact tracing solution that can:
- Define an area to be monitored
- Identify the number of people in that area
- 根据指定的标准(例如, people moving beyond a boundary, or number of people entering or leaving an area)
- 在必要时使用分析来跟踪历史联系流
With these capabilities hospitals can:
- Implement a turnkey, cost-effective contact tracing solution
- Keep patients/residents, clinicians, staff and visitors, safe
- 遵守法律和政府卫生部门的规定,避免被关闭
- 根据选定的时间线提供历史运动回放,以查看病毒或传染病是如何开始传播的,并查看在这些时间内谁可能有过接触
Alcatel-Lucent OmniAccess Stellar Asset Tracking Pilot Proc…
Industrial Coin Bluetooth ® 5.0 Beacon with Accerometer Sen…
The tag is compatible with Bluetooth ® 5.0标准,旨在完全满足医院资产跟踪的所有要求 , 医疗保健, 物流, …
智能物联网蓝牙®.0 One-Way Nano Silica Wristband
智能物联网蓝牙®.0单向纳米二氧化硅腕带用于ALE OmniAccess恒星资产跟踪/接触跟踪用于ALE OmniAccess恒星资产跟踪…
One Way Nano-Silica Wristband 数据表
The nano-silica one-way 腕带 is for single use only. To remove the 腕带, it has to be cut. In rolls of 200 each it can be optional printed.
工业蓝牙®5.0 Beacon with Accelerometer Sensor
工业蓝牙®5.0信标与加速度计传感器用于ALE OmniAccess恒星资产跟踪/接触跟踪用于ALE OmniAccess恒星资产…
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阿尔卡特朗讯企业热点跟踪和联系人跟踪解决方案基于ALE OmniAccess恒星资产跟踪解决方案,使企业能够…